The user that I used is admin@system-domain. In the vsphere web client I use the admin@system-domain, and I can connect but I cannot see any Vcenter server, everything is "0". But in the tasks tab I can see all of the Vcenter tasks.
I want to verify the list of the users, so I use this command (the password is the same like that I use to the web client connetion):
C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\utils>rsautil manage-oc-administrators -a list
Super Administrator's name: admin@System-Domain
Enter Super Administrator's Password: *************
Error: Authentication with user name/password failed.
C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\utils>rsautil manage-identity-s
ources -a list
Super Administrator's name: admin@System-Domain
Super Administrator's Password: *************
ERROR: Authentication with user name/password failed
C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\utils>rsautil manage-identity-sources -a list
Super Administrator's name: admin
Super Administrator's Password: *************
ERROR: Caller does not have permission to flush
It's something strange for me, why can use the admin@system-domain account in the web client to connect to the SSO and from command prompt looks like this account password is wrong.
If you have any ideea, please help!