We've been making a ton of changes in the past week, mainly moving VMs from individual datastores to shared and then deleting the old datastores. We also set up CHAP. Our setup:
4 esxi 5.0 hosts
vcenter 5
EQ PS6000 iscsi san
All VMs are on the EQ.
We've removed a lot of the old datastores without any problem in the past week, but today someone (not me) unmounted about 15 datastores and deleted without detaching first. After that, we starting seeing these behaviors:
- hba rescans not finishing
- a couple of vmotion ops finished, but took much longer than normal
- One host not responding (4 VMs running on host show disconnected, but seem to be running normally)
- 8 VMs on another host decided to migrate on their own, but have been stuck "In progress" - no percentage
Does this sound like a database problem? We're running the full version of 2005 SQL server. I wonder if I need to shrink it or do anything else because of all of the changes, but I'm sure I shouldn't try to do anything to it now.