Hi. I'm looking at the vCenter Server Appliance (especially the 5.5 version, which will let us use its internal DB for up to 100 hosts and 3000 VMs), and thinking about how we would go about migrating to and from it. Will it be more or less easy than to/from the Windows vCenter Server?
Are there any documented ways to migrate from a Windows vCenter Server and dvSwitch to a vCSA, except for the old "migrate all port groups and VMs manually to standard vSwitches, and then move the hosts and VMs to the new vCSA"?
When we are on the vCSA, are there any documented ways to migrate the whole thing to a new vCSA? Since this is how an upgrade is done, I assume there is.
Also, are there any documented ways to migrate a subset of hosts/VMs on dvSwitch from one vCSA to another?