We had a Host with an Eval license by mistake, which then expired and all the licensed features were lost on that host.
I applied the correct license to the Host, but 50% of the VM's are now reporting the VM status 'Unknown xx (inaccessbile)' this is using the VI Client to connect directly to the host. If connecting via VCentre, I can see that the VM's are listed as 'HostName (inaccessible)'.
These VM's are on an NFS share. I thought the cause may be that the NFS share was restricted by the license issue that I had previously corrected, but I'm unsure this is the case because the VM's that are still operational on this host are also running from the same NFS share. The only other Datastore configured for this host are its local disks. There are some operational VM's on the local datastore.
I'm wondering if there's a service that I should restart after the license change?
Or does anyone have any ideas on this ?
All help is greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,