Hi Friends,
I have downloaded VMware vSphere 5.5. Last two days I was trying to install vCenter 5.5 but could able to do. Let me explain thoroughly.
Domain Controller - dc.company.pri ( Windows 2008 r2
Member of the domain - vc.dc.company.pri ( Windows 2008 r2 --> Here I am trying to install vCenter
I am using VMware Work-Station 10 evolution version. In my laptop I have got i5 with 16 GB RAM. Everything went smooth till "Select inventory size that best describes your devolopment" but in SSO registration I am struggling.
SSO administrator user name : administrator@vsphere.local
SSO administrator Password - Passw0rd
Lookup Service URL - https://<SSO Machine FQDN Or IP>:7444/lookupservice/sdk
Now if I press next button then I am getting following errors
"SSO registration failed. To remedy this:
- Verify that the certificate file specified in vcsso.properties is valied.
- Varify that the clock in the Single Sign In system and the vCenter Server system are in sync.
- Check the vm_ssoreglog in the system temporary folder for more details on the error.
Search the VMware knowledge base (http://kb.vmware.com) for "Error 29113" for more information"
I have no clue what should I do. Kindly help me regarding this issue.
Thanks a lot in advance !