Have nine 5.1 vCenters all configured similarly. 5 of the 9 have > 1600 datastores and the vcenter storage monitoring service tries to initialize but fails on all of them. The vCenter Storage Monitoring Service initializes fine on our other 4 vCenters which have < 900 datastores. Have tried all fixes seen for other issues with SMS.
SMS Log shows:
013-12-16 08:16:37,847 [pool-47-thread-9] ERROR com.vmware.vim.sms.provider.vc.PopulateMultipathingEntityTask - PopulateMultipathingEntityTask Failed for entity : vm entityRelType : datastore : java.lang.NullPointerException
2013-12-16 08:16:38,892 [Thread-15] ERROR com.vmware.vim.sms.provider.vc.VcProviderImpl - Failed populating service cache
Appreciate any help.