FSvcoe wrote:
Hello all,
I'm sure there's an easy way to do this, but I haven't been able to find it-need to export a list of all VC privileges, not just the ones currently assigned-Thanks.
Get-Permissions is a filter I wrote, see the script in
I didn't repeat it in this thread.
The sample line I gave was only a new version of the last line of the script in to show how to export the result to a CSV file.
By default the separator is a comma, but in our regional settings it is defined as semi-column.
Without the -Useculture parameter the Export-Csv cmdlet always uses a comma, with that parameter it takes the separator defined in the regional settings.
command is-
Get-Inventory -Location (Get-Datacenter <datacenter-name>) | Get-Permissions | Export-Csv -Path "C:\permissions.csv" -NoTypeInformation
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