Just wondering if it's possible to register multiple vCenter servers (all vCenter Server Appliances) with one vSphere Web Client instance which is running on one of these vCenter Appliances?
VCSA1 > Use built in Web Client to manage all vCenter servers.
VCSA2 > Register with VCSA1.
VCSA3 > Register with VCSA1.
I cannot find any 5.5 specific information but from what I've read I think it's possible on 5.1. The 'admin-cmd.sh' script doesn't appear to be present in my 5.5 VCSA though.
The vCenter Server system in a vCenter Server appliance is preregistered with the vSphere Web Client installed in the appliance. To register another vCenter Server system with the vSphere Web Client installed as part of a vCenter Server Appliance, you must use the admin-app command-line script rather than the Web-based administration tool.
vCenter Infrastructure Navigator 5.7 Documentation Center
/usr/lib/vmware-vsphere-client/scripts/admin-cmd.sh register https://webclient.mydomain.com:9443/vsphere-client vc.mydomain.com administrator 'CENSORED'
Thanks for any help.