Looking over the threads here, I noticed that FQ13 posted earlier that they had problems VCenter 5.50B crashing, others were having problems with 5.50b on Windows. We were running 5.5A with little problems other than the annoying quickstats problem that was fixed in 5.5B
So I decided to update to 5.5B last week, and when I did I couldn't get the system to boot again after the second time. VPXD was failing to initialize. After trying for a few days, I thought I had messed something up, and decided to build a new VCSA. Deployed the 5.5 VM, then configured it in quick setup via web console. Then ran update to 5.50b and restarted it. No problems. Then I configured SSO after making sure it was in DNS. Not problems, SSO working fine. Then I rebooted. Same problems, same error messages. Cannot reach Vcenter, cannot ping it's IP.
Does anyone have VCSA 5.50B working with SSO for any length of time?
Attempting to restart VPXD service fails, shows similar to boot: