Knowledge Base 2058239 indicates the following as it relates to SSO & vCenter Heartbeat, "vCenter Server Heartbeat 6.6 is only supported in environments with a single vCenter Single Sign-On 5.5 node. Configuring multiple SSO 5.5 nodes with vCenter Server Heartbeat 6.6 is not supported." Can anyone provide some clarification about this? We have 2 sites, 1 VMware Authentication Domain ( or Active Directory domain), 1 flat network. 1 site will be primary. 1 site will be DR. 2 vCenters, 1 at each site. vCenter Heartbeat will protect vCenter at the primary site. Installing the 2nd vCenter server at the DR site, for Single Sign-On deployment mode I want to choose, "vCenter Single Sign-On for an additional vCenter with a new site" as the deployment mode, and partner this SSO instance with the SSO instance at the primary site. This seems like the logical thing to do. However, it sounds as though vCenter Heartbeat will then not be supported. Is this accurate? Does anyone know? I find it hard to understand how this configuration would effect vCenter Heartbeat at the primary site and why it wouldn't be supported.
Thanks in advance.