Hi Srinu
Thank you this worked for Singke sighn on, but can you give command syntax for other componets installation, for example I tried following command to install Inventory Servcie
msiexec /i "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LabFiles\vCenter GA installer\Inventory Service\VMware-inventory-service.exe /S /L1033 /v" /L*v C:\InventoryServiceInstall.log QUERY_SERVICE_NUKE_DATABASE=1 SSO_ADMIN_USER=administrator@vsphere.local SSO_ADMIN_PASSWORD=SomePassword.123 LS_URL=https://WIN2008HOST:7444/lookupservice/sdk /qr"
I get error saying "Installation package cannot be opened"
It didnt work, can you please guide if some syntax missing, also can you give sysntax for ****To Install VMware vCenter Server******** Web clinet and ****To Install VMware vSphere Server********