I have a 2008 R2 5.5 vCenter server with SSO installed. I just built a new 2012 R2 5.5 U1 with a new SSO instance on it. All hosts are now migrated to the new 55 U1 server. The decision to build the new server was to get it vCenter onto 2012 R2 and fix an issue with Storage Views.
However after applying Microsoft Patches last week the 5.5 vCenter server lost functionality in that at the Inventory service broke. Also SSO is not functioning correctly, although all services are online.
Additionally the SSO password had to be reset, and while I can log into the WEB interface, I can’t “see anything” as the inventory service is broken, but the service is up.
Additionally we have a 5.5 vCenter server (that points to the Old 5.5 server for SSO validation) that manages the Horizon View VDI clients. With the breakdown on the 5.5 SSO service, I get the following when I try to log into the VDI vCenter server: Vpx::Common::Sso::DomainUnresolvedExceptions(RemoteGetDomainNames RuntimeServiceFault expression: sso.fault.InfernalFault)
I really don’t care about getting the old 5.5 server back up and running, outside of the exercise in fixing it, and would like to re-point the VDI vCenter server to the new 5.5 U1 SSO instance. I’ve tried to reinstall SSO, it points to the old instance.
Any ideas on how to re-point the VDI vCenter server to the new SSO instance? Without being able to log into the VIC or WEB vCenter interface on the old 5.5 server?
I have a ticket request in with Tech Support but they have yet to get around to calling me.
Thanks in advance!
Bryan Wilburn