This is a valuable thread as I have found myself digging this out twice before.
As govandsinjari states below you can do this method from within the vSphere C# client or you can also perform the same function via SSH to your ESXi host.
govandsinjari wrote:
From the vCenter, click on the ESXi host "Configuration" tab, select "Security Profile", then from Services properties I have restarted VPXA services which is vCenter account on the ESXi, I lost connection to ESXi host temporary but it recovered after "Reconnect" and the alerts cleared!
-SSH to ESXi
Command to type:
/etc/init.d/vpxa restart
You will get the same results as if using the vSphere client less all the errors from the disconnects that the client spits out since you are not connected to the vCenter and performing the task.
Thanks you and Good Luck!