My client has 13 node cluster which has two generation of servers and all servers are running windows.
Server generation A (7 Servers): 24 logical CPU and 192 GB RAM
Server generation B(6 Servers): 32 logical CPU and 256 GB RAM
HA admission control policy set on cluster level :percentage resource ( 8%)
Due to different resource (cpu and mem) in servers, its unbalanced the cluster. For balancing the cluster I recommended to break the cluster in two (7 node for cluster A, and 6 node for cluster B).
Note: Target max utilization is set to 80% (without memory over commitment)
Now he asked what are the challenges he will face? Can someone give me challenge, in terms of re-configuration, please provide with details??
some of them I have plotted:
-DVS reconfiguration
-ESX level, we don't need to do any configuration change, correct me if I am wrong.