Hello all.
I got some problems while trying to configure SSO HA.
I have 2 vms with primary and secondary nodes of SSO and vm (debian7) with apache 2.2 as load balancer. Load balancer config taken from VMware KB: Setting up Apache load balancing software with vCenter Single Sign-On .
I decide to configure SSO HA like described in VMware KB: Configuring VMware vCenter Single Sign On for High Availability and then reconfigure like described in VMware KB: Reconfiguring the load balancer after upgrading a VMware vCenter Server 5.5 Single Sign-On High Availabil… As far as i know this is the right sequencing.
But there are some issues:
1.Setting of JAVA_HOME variable JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\jre, there is no jre folder ANYWHERE (ive installed sso on D:\, but no jre on D:\ and no jre on C:\), but there is folder "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Server - Java Components", that contains bin and lib folders with .jar and many other files, may be this is the right folder?
2.In the article: "Copy the root certificate of the certificate chain that issued the SSL certificate for the load balancing software to the machine on which SSO node1 is installed. For the example files in sub Step 4, copy it to C:\UpdateInfo\
." but then in the *.properties files used the .pem file not the root cert (i issued certs for apache with my online Microsoft CA). So should i copy .pem file too and use it in .properties files?
Actually i would be grateful for good manual for SSO HA with apache config, because VMware articles has many discrepancy against reality.
Sorry for my bad english and thank you in advance.