In my environment, I configured a cluster having 3 ESXi 5.1 Hosts for testing HA. To test my HA mode I shutdown one of the DR site host. Cluster took action and completed HA operations successfully, which is good.
But when I turned on the DR site host and reconnected it in vCenter cluster. it gives error "Adding host to cluster:Timed waiting for vpxa to start". I tried few KBs and articles to solve the problem but nothing worked. I removed the Host from cluster and added again but same problem occurred. Then I reinstalled the ESXi 5.1 on DR host and tried to add to vCenter this time error was "a general system error occurred: internal error: vmodl.fault.HostCommunication". To solve this issue again I read many KBs and discussions but got no solution yet. Then I decided to put a discussion in VMWare Community. Remember I don't want to re-install my vCenter server for the sake of adding a Host in vCenter.
Anybody knows the solution kindly provide ...