The SSL Certificate Automation Tool 5.5 is a real improvement for replacing certificates for vcenter.
I use it in combination with Derek Seaman toolkit to update all certificates including the esxi host them selves.
The great thing of this the tool kit is that processes every thing 1 one batch and i can request certificates directly to the windows CA. And it can also update the certificates of the esxi hosts as well
But the your automation tool i am missing the update of some vcenter services mainly:
* AutoDeploy
* DumpCollector
* SysLogCollector
I personally don't use the AuthenticationProxy but i think that one is missing also.
The other issue i think that is not user friendly that can't process all certificates in one batch, so i only have to supply 1 time the password's.
At start you know all services you nice because you specified them at the start when you use the plan option
A specially because pasting a password from your password save is not working that great in a command line box :-D
Also a question at the start do need to all predefined certificate paths would be nice don't have to confirm all of them, becouse you specified them already in the enveriment barchfile.
these are just my 2 cents, but i really want to know if you agree with me or totaly not ?
WIth kind regards,
Bas van den Dikkenberg