a Customer requested VCENTER to be installed on a VM due to budget limitations he had before
but now want to have a physical Server to replace the VM
the thing is it has multiple of applications and 3rd party tools installed and configured for Virtual Switch , Antispam and monitoring tools
so please answer the below
1) what is the best and easiest way to get that done ?
2) I know that we can have vcenter installed on physical and have heartbeat but i dont think customer is ready to add that license , may be he will live with very small cost if required for another tool that helps does the job of moving to physical
3) any third party tools that can help building the new VCENTER
4) do we have to instqall vcenter and license then export and import the Database files and thats it ( VCENTER uses Oracle DB for the users as the vms are around 90 at the moment )
5) any known issues with the DB when doing so
please provide your advice and feedback if you have tried that