I'm planning to upgrade my two vSphere environments from vCenter 5.0 to vCenter 5.5 currently running in linked mode which are in two different geographical location .
Even after the upgrade I plan on to keep them in Linked mode, question is can I keep two separate basic SSO's for my both vCenter instances or it HAS to be Primary SSO in one geographical location & additional SSO instance in other geographical location given that I want my vCenter servers to be in linked mode?
Can I put only one SSO instance to be in use if it's linked mode ? Or can I keep two separate SSO instances for both locations & have the authentication via local SSO servers?
Other Question Scenario:-
Geographical Location A
vCenter Server A
Primary SSO
Local Domain Controller A
Web Client A
Geographical Location B
vCenter Server B
Secondary Mutilsite SSO
Local Domain Controller B
Web Client B
If I log into vCenter B how my authentication will flow ?
Will it go via WebClient B -> Primary SSO in location A -> Domain Controller A -> vCenter Server B ?
If so wouldn't that cause latency issues while logging in ?