I'm trying to install (importing to esxi) the VMware vCenter Server 5.5 Update 1 Appliance (VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance- using ovftool.
I would like to set the network settings, hostname before the vCenter starts for the first time.
It should be possible to do it this way:
/vmfs/volumes/$DATASTORE_NAME/vmware-ovftool/ovftool --diskMode=thin --datastore=$DATASTORE_NAME --noSSLVerify --powerOn --acceptAllEulas --prop:vami.ip0.VMware_vCenter_Server_Appliance= --prop:vami.netmask0.VMware_vCenter_Server_Appliance= --prop:vami.gateway.VMware_vCenter_Server_Appliance= --prop:vami.DNS.VMware_vCenter_Server_Appliance= --prop:vami.hostname=vcenter.example.com "ftp://my.example.com/software/vmware/VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-" "vi://root:Lcmanager@"
The manifest validates
Source is signed and the certificate validates
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Deploying to VI: vi://root@
Transfer Completed
Powering on VM: VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-
Completed successfully
Unfortunately the example above is not working properly and the network is till configured from the DHCP instead of using the defined parameters.
I'm using the 3.5.1 version of ovftool:
# ./ovftool -v
VMware ovftool 3.5.1 (build-1747221)
Please let me know if you know the way how prconfigure the networking in the vCenter Appliance.
Thank you