I am having problems in our Vcenter, one of the host just diconnected and when we try to re connect it it goes up untill 89% and then comes up with an error "Internal error : vmodl.fauly.hostcommunication". we dont use DNS but ping from vcenter to host responds fine, ping from host to vcenter works fine. telnet from either on port 902 is also working fine. the vxpa agent service is running on the esxi host. esxi host is versin 5.0. Host is part of HA in a cluster. we can connect to host directly via vshpere client. I have deleted the vpxuser from host, unistalled the vcenter agent and then tried connecting to host again and same problem. I have also removed host from Vcenter and when I try adding it back I get the same error. I have also tried adding host to another Vcenter and same problem. Any one experienced this problem before.