I have created the Resource pool in my Environment and set the VM Reservation value as 1024MB with Expandable Reservation option. Also Set 512MB Reservation for VM1 and VM2 respectively and moved them into Resource pool. Memory Reservation usage shows below matrix.
Configured Reservation: 1024MB
Reservation Type: Expandable
Used Reservation: 1403MB
Available Reservation: 47MB
How "Used Reservation" Value calculated in this scenario? Is it Reservation + Memory Overhead? Still "Used Reservation" and "Reservation + Memory Overhead" value is not matching.
VM Configuration:
CPU: 4
Memory: 8GB
Memory Overhead: 137.92MB
VM Reservation: 512MB
Shares: Normal
CPU: 1
Memory: 2GB
Memory Overhead: 42MB
VM Reservation: 512MB
Shares: Normal
Please share your knowledge.