I have 16 HP blades that I am upgrading to the latest 5.5u1 versions for a Proof of Concept for vSAN and SRM.
Blades 01-08 will be DC-A.
Blades 09-16 will be DC-B.
I will use the same build of ESXi on all servers.
So I need three active rules (they are placed in this order):
RULE 1) Build the image on all Blades in the IP range 101-116. (all blades in this chassis)
RULE 2) Place any blade with an IP of 101-108 into DC-A -> DC-A_PRODUCTION cluster and apply a Host profile called "SDS_ESXi_STD_DC-A"
RULE 3) Place any blade with an IP of 109-116 into DC-B -> DC-B_PRODUCTION cluster and apply a Host profile called "SDS_ESXi_STD_DC-B"
Note that I only specify an image profile on the first rule and only have host profiles listed on the secondary placement rules.
This should:
- Build the servers using a standard image...
- Place them in the right DC...
- and configure them based on the host profile specified.
However, the hosts all build, they place correctly with the correct host profile, but NO CONFIGURATION takes place.
I have installed the Custom HP Software Depot...
add-esxsoftwaredepot C:\AUTODEPLY_IMAGES_DEPOTS\VMware-ESXi-5.5.0-Update1-1746018-HP-5.74.27-Jun2014-depot.zip
Cloned it...
New-ESXImageProfile -CloneProfile HP-ESXi-5.5.0-Update1-5.74.27 -Name SDS-PROD_HP_ImageProfile_HA -vendor "HP-VMWARE"
Added the vSphere HA components...
Add-ESXSoftwareDepot -DepotUrl http://sdsvc01.sds.local:80/vSphere-HA-depot
Add-ESXSoftwarePackage -ImageProfile SDS-PROD_HP_ImageProfile_HA -SoftwarePackage vmware-fdm
Created the new, filtered Deploy Rule to install the images on the hosts...
New-DeployRule -Name "DeployRule_ESXi-STD" -Item "SDS-PROD_HP_ImageProfile_HA" -pattern "ipv4="
Activated the rule:
add-deployrule DeployRule_ESXi-STD
Created the placement rules, filtered to place the hosts in the right DC and assign a Host Profile...
new-deployrule -name PLACE_HOSTS_DC-A_Production -item DC-A_Production,SDS_ESXi_STD_DC-A -pattern "ipv4="
new-deployrule -name PLACE_HOSTS_DC-B_Production -item DC-B_Production,SDS_ESXi_STD_DC-B -pattern "ipv4="
Activated the rules:
add-deployrule PLACE_HOSTS_DC-A_Production
add-deployrule PLACE_HOSTS_DC-B_Production
(I also applied the appropriate DC specific Host profiles to the clusters A & B in each DC.)
Why are these hosts sitting at the DCHP assigned idle screens, and not automatically getting configured using the host profiles I made?
When I apply them MANUALLY, they work perfectly.